Recruitment & Selection

Rewiring your hiring!

Utilising behavioural insights can revolutionise recruitment by addressing cognitive biases and improving decision-making processes. Behavioral science helps organisations understand the subtle ways in which unconscious biases, like affinity bias or confirmation bias, can influence hiring decisions. By applying these insights, businesses can design fairer, more objective selection processes that focus on candidates' skills and potential rather than personal biases.

This approach not only ensures a more diverse and inclusive workforce but also aligns new hires more closely with the company's values and needs.

Ultimately, rewiring your hiring leads to better talent acquisition and a stronger, more capable organisation.

What can your organisation do to rewire?

  • Remove identifying information, such as names, genders, and photos, from CVs or application forms during the initial screening. This helps mitigate biases related to gender, ethnicity, age and social demographics, allowing hiring decisions to focus solely on qualifications and experience.

  • Implement structured interviews with standardised questions and scoring rubrics. This reduces the impact of personal biases by ensuring all candidates are evaluated on the same criteria, making the process more objective and fair.

  • Use scientifically validated assessments to evaluate candidates' soft skills, such as problem-solving, adaptability, and teamwork. These assessments can reveal insights into a candidate's potential fit within the company culture and their likelihood of success in the role.

  • Provide training for hiring managers and interviewers on recognising and counteracting cognitive biases. This training can help them make more informed and equitable hiring decisions, reducing the influence of unconscious biases on the selection process.